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When asked what the greatest commandment is in Mark 12; Jesus answers; "'The Lord our God, the Lord is one. And you shall love the Lord your God with all your mind and with all your strength'. The second is this: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.'"

Jesus said that there is no other commandment greater than these. 
What if we broden our minds to who we consider our neighbors? And what if we could change our thoughts of what being a missionary looks like? Missions is evolving back to basics. Let's care for our own neighbors before we go to foreign countries to care there. Now I'm not saying that isn't important also, it is, but let's raise up a country for God here. Your neighbor, your brother, your sister, your fellow American.

It's not about the acts we can do with our hands, but the love you can show through your heart and your actions. It's not about how many houses you can build, it's how many real needs can you can meet when you let God love His people through you. It may look like a conversation with someone who just really need to talk to someone who would listen. Sharing your story of faith to someone who has never heard of an encounter with the Lord like you have had. Build meaningful relationships with the people of Nashville to show them God's love!

Adventures in Missions wants to give you the opportunity to bring your youth group to the city of Nashville!

To sign your youth group up for a missions trip to Nashville click HERE!