
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

As the youth groups started filing into the church on day one I noticed one thing on each of them. Some of the youth may have chose to be there. While others may have been force to come by there parents. Some of the ones that chose to come may have not had anything else to do. Some of the youth that were forced to come may have found themselves actually wanting to come. But the one thing that all the youth had in common was a look of hope. This hope is what was driving them this week.


Through out the week the youth were blowing my mind with the things they were doing. From building relationships with kids at the apartments; to spending time doing ministry with the homeless. From doing what they already know; to stepping out of their comfort zones. God started moving from day one with these Youth and I had no idea where He was going to take it. 

One thing that I hope that came out of this week is that the youth will remember that they can make a difference. That they can do it no matter how old they are.

This photo was taken on the steps of one of the parks. The words on the steps summarizes what I pray over the youth and hope they see it for themselves. If you can’t read it, it says from top to bottom; For I know the plans for you, plans to prosper you, not harm you, plans to give you a hope and future – The sky is the limit – the lord is my strength & shield.