How many of us make it a priority to sit still and listen to what God wants us to do next? Well, this week one of our ministries was to do just that. It can be a little unsettling the first time you realize God is talking to you. It can also be very exciting.
15 year old Abi has this to say about her first experience hearing from the Lord:
Basically when we asked God where he wanted us to go, my clues were this Vintage looking New York Street with a bridge in the background and a black cat (which seriously confused me). After hearing everyone else’s clue, we decided to head downtown.
We started heading down Broadway and began to see vintage looking stores. At one point I turned around and looked down the street and it was exactly what the Lord had shown me before when I was praying.
I felt accomplished once we found the right street. Do you know the feeling when you keep failing on a bunch of math problems, then you figure it out and get an A on the test? Well that’s how I felt. It was like I had finally done something right in my life.
When God tells you to do something, or he shows you somewhere to go, or someone to minister to, just GO. It doesn’t matter what the world says about it, it only matters what God says. The world may say “But it would be really awkward, and what if they get offended, I just won’t do it.” In the words of a best friend of mine “A situation is only awkward if you make it.” And anyway after you complete the task God gave you, you will feel better than if you had not done it.