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“This week in Nashville, I got do a lot of really cool stuff, such as getting to help the homeless and such. Something I’ve struggled with for awhile is Anxiety. I like knowing what’s going to happen, which is not really always assured when on a mission trip.

Before heading on the trip, I found clay for less than a dollar. I went ahead and bought it with the intention of just playing around with it. After arriving in Nashville, I pulled out the clay and became glued to it. I rarely put it down and it just calmed me down. I knew that at some point, my hands would have to put it down to serve.

On Tuesday, the time had come for me to leave it behind while serving with the homeless. I was already nervous about not knowing exactly what we were going to do. I just kept praying for peace and asking Christ to calm me down. Finally I put it down and I went and served.

God gave me peace even while pushing me out of my comfort zone. I am back to playing with clay again but I know that anytime I need to, I can put it down.”

~Kate Doust